That little red gummy bear Harriet finally crossed the pond and ended up in London, England. She was a giddy gummy bear. She even saw quite a few major attractions in her short time there. Just to name a few; Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, Piccadilly Square, and just south of London the quaint town of Lewes, England. Why was Lewes such a place for a little gummy bear? Well, many, many, MANY years ago a festival began called the
Guy Fawkes Festival. It consists of many parades, people, fireworks, and bonfires. Harriet had clearly never been to a festival of such magnitude. It was exciting and fun!
Clearly, this trip to England was quick, but she was able to see a few major hot spots. She is excited to get back to London again. Next time she will be with Harold the Haribo...or was he there with her and just didn't want to take pictures???
Harriet has her first siting of Big Ben! |
Big Ben! Up close and personal! (Possibly her favorite picture.) |
Buckingham Palace. Harriet was sad she didn't see the Queen. |
Westminster Abbey. |
Piccadilly Square all lit up at night! |
The starting point of the Guy Fawkes Festival. |